I want to know if there is a function that prevents nav 2009 from picking incomplete components for an item in the production module.
The current problem:
To make 1 polo with logos, I need 1 blank polo and 4 heat seals per polo which means for an order of 100 units I need 100 blank polos and 400 heat seals.
Because there is a unique personalisation for this order like a name or number, the 100 polos show on individual lines so this order will have a total of 500 lines.
If my inventory only has 98 polos, then the inventory pick for the released production order will have 498 lines because NAV is generating a pick for all of the components of the finished garment that it can.
I would like for NAV to be able to to pick in a complete status, meaning if only 98 blank polos are available then it will only pick the components for 98 units giving me a total of 490 components to pick.
I hope this make sense, I appreciate your feedback