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Data Management: "Error(s) while uploading the file-" after installing 10.0.8 / PU32 on local VM

nmaenpaa Profile Picture Posted by nmaenpaa 101,146
After updating my local D365FO dev VM to 10.0.8/PU32 the data management stopped working. Export would always fail with error "Error(s) while uploading the file-"
The issue happens because Azure Storage Emulator on the VM is outdated and doesn't work with 10.0.8.
Steps to fix the issue:
1. Download and install latest version of Azure Storage Emulator:
2. Open Command prompt as administrator and run following commands in the Azure Storage Emulator installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator)
AzureStorageEmulator.exe stop
AzureStorageEmulator.exe clear
AzureStorageEmulator.exe init –server localhost 
AzureStorageEmulator.exe start
The init command might show you error "Cannot create database 'AzureStorageEmulatorDb52' : The login already has an account under a different user name." but you can ignore it and continue to next step.
If the last step fails because of conflicting port, try restarting the VM and running the last step again. After succesful update the data management in D365FO should work again without problems.



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  • DianP Profile Picture DianP 25
    Posted at
    Thanks Nik. It works.
  • Maris Sausins Profile Picture Maris Sausins 56
    Posted at
    This saved my day, thank you very much Nikolaos.
  • MDeeb Profile Picture MDeeb 1,146
    Posted at
    Thanks a lot Nikolaos, i had an issue with attachments on my local Demo VM version 10.0.9, and used the above script and solved my issue,
  • pravin joshi Profile Picture pravin joshi 65
    Posted at
    Great Job, I fix my issue with this excellent information.
  • Ashish Profile Picture Ashish 50
    Posted at
    I have been helped my your write-up twice already. Thank you very much for writing it through.
  • Profile Picture rama.krishna.tannee... 90
    Posted at
    Excellent, I could use this post today to fix identical issue in my dev environment. Thanks a lot sharing such wonderful post :)